
  • 双十一盛典 The November 11th Gala

    关于shopping online关于双十一 Many years ago, when the online business first became popular among the public. The manufacturers tried to make some slogans so as to catch more customers. Then the day of November 11th was named the single day, and they gave...

  • 有一种光棍,只是为了等待一个人

      有一种光棍,只是为了等待一个人,等那一个该等的人。不是不想告别单身,不是想一直做光棍,只是为了那份情、那份爱、那个一直在心底的人,而甘心静静的选择一个人生活。  寂寞这东西对于每个人来说,都算得上是心里的一块肋骨。想要告别单身,告别寂寞,可是除了那一个...

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  • 光棍节的说说【20条】

      一、光棍节是为了提醒你丑,双十一是为了提醒你穷!  二、最讨厌别人跟我说“光棍节快乐”,可恶的是我还得说一声“谢谢”。  三、世间本没有光棍,只是物价涨得多了,也就有了光棍。哦,不对,过了今天你不再是光棍,你已经升级为冰棍啦。  四...

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  • 如何让12星座男生主动表白

      “11.11”光棍节又快到了,你还是一个人过吗?据说在双十一当天表白的成功率会很高哦!当然作为女生当然不适合主动表白,那如何让12星座男生主动向你表白呢?  白羊座:一向直来直往的白羊座喜欢简单粗暴的恋爱方式。如果你只是在背后默默地暗恋他,或者是制造一些小暧昧让...

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  • 我是奶茶店的光棍节快到了谁能帮我想个活动啊关于光棍节的

    问我是奶茶店的光棍节快到了谁能帮我想个活动啊关于光棍节的大家正经点真的急用啊答最佳答案有条件的话,看能否把饮品杯做成男生女生配的。 活动名称叫做:“双11,碰见有缘人” 活动内容是:凡遇上单身进店的一男一女,则均享受半价。若男士有风度点,可以直接请女士喝。 其...

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  • 无法抑制的购买欲 The Uncontrolled Purchase Desire

    关于买东西关于光棍节关于购物 Now the single day comes, it is on December 11th, people admit this day as a day for the person who has no girlfriend or boyfriend, but this day has lately became a shopping day, because on that day, shopping online will give...

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  • 节礼日 Boxing Day

    关于电子商务关于西方节日 On November 11th, which is treated as the Single Day in China, has become the shopping day on the Internet. The e-commerce earns the largest profit in this day, while in the western countries, they also have such discounting day....

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  • 理性网上购物Shopping Online Rationally

    关于光棍节关于弥补寂寞关于折扣商品 November 11 is Bachelor’s Day, it is a joke that shopping can make up the loneliness on that day, the manufacturers sense the great business, so they give great discount on that day, people are attracting by the discoun...

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  • 网络购物狂欢节On-line Shopping Carnival

    关于光棍节关于情人节关于网购 When it comes to November 11, what’s onyour mind? Well, as to the old generations, it’s only an ordinary day; however,the young generations will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as theon-line shopping carnival. In fa...


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