
  • 努力奋斗的理由 The Reason that I Strive

    关于努力学习关于回报关于爱 The moment I go to high school, I have made up my mind to study hard. It is known to all that the period of high school is the turning point of people’s life, which may decide my future career. So I know the importance of striv...

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  • 努力总会有回报

      几场大雨刷洗了中招实验考试后的惊喜,我们陷入了对体育考试的恐惧中,那一个星期将会是我们人生中最小心的一个星期了,一丝丝疼痛或摔伤也许就会直接影响到考试那天我们的状态,于是大家都克制住了自己“玩”的yuwang……  起码体育曾经对我来说...

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  • 关于流行明星值得高回报吗


  • 关于职业的回报

     To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, is the most decisive mark of what is called genius or superior talents. The public admiration which attends upon such distinguished abilities, makes always a part of their reward;a great...

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  • 感恩 Be Grateful

    关于感恩生活关于感恩节 I am so grateful about the things I have, such as the love from my parents and my friends. They always stand by my side when I have troubles. So I can grow up as a strong and positive girl. Some children take what they own as the ce...

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  • 帮人要回报吗?Should One Expect A Reward When Helping Others?

    关于help关于reward关于回报关于帮助 When I was small, I was taught that we should help others, though it was not our duty, we should take no hesitation to do it. Today, the economy develops, but people become selfish, they care so much about their benefit,...

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  • 有必要上大学吗?Is it Necessary to go to University?

    关于大学生就业难关于学习知识关于社会大学关于经验 With the increasing number of universitygraduate fail to find a job, some parents start to hold the opinion that goingto university is nothing but waste money and time. They argue that if familyhas the mone...

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  • 做志愿者的好处 The Benefits of Volunteering

    关于friend关于success关于volunteer关于way关于志愿者关于成功关于方法关于朋友 Every day, we can see the figures of thevolunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city. Somepeople hold that volunteering is merely a waste of time, because...

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  • 开间85度tea奶茶店的回报期


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  • 诠释回报


  • 有努力就有回报

      经过一个多月的起早贪黑和刻苦努力的锻炼后,我终于在海宁市中小学生田径运动会中,取得了小学男子甲组跳远第一名的优异成绩,并且成功被评为了优秀运动员,接过奖状的时候,我内心激动得难以言状。    回想起这个月的经历和遇到的各种困难,我印象深刻。每天早晨日复...

  • 我们应当给帮带孩子的父母工资吗?Should we pay our parents for their babysitting?

    关于burdon关于living condition关于晚年生活关于生活条件关于负担 It seems so normal that parents will take care of their children’s children in China. We can see a large crowd of grandparents standing in front of kindergarten to pick up their grandchildren...

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