
  • 家乡的月亮 The Moon In My Hometown

    关于moon关于我的家乡关于月是故乡圆 There is an old Chinese saying that the moon in the hometown is full. Everytime when I go back to my hometown, I will think of this saying. Indeed, the moon in my hometown is much clear and bigger. The most important fac...

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  • 我的家乡图们

      我的家乡图们市坐落在美丽的图们江畔,与朝鲜南阳郡隔江相望。这里是美食的天堂,旅游的圣地。  图们市是一个以朝鲜族为主的多民族聚居地,这里的美食丰富、地域特色鲜明。最让我引以为荣的是我们朝鲜族的美食,有烤肉、肉串、冷面、打糕、酱汤、泡菜等,风靡东北的网红...

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  • 环境的变化 The Change of Environment

    关于保护野生动物关于大气污染 When we go to school, teachers always teach us to protect the environment, so as to protect human being. Today, the environment has been polluted badly. The river in my hometown becomes dirty and no one will play there. We can...

  • 我爱家乡 I Love My Hometown

    关于善良关于我的家乡关于风景很美 Two years ago, I moved to the city with my parents and had to stay away from my hometown. I like my hometown so much. There are so many kind people in the village. We know each other and communicate a lot. The scenery in m...

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  • 我的家乡作文600字


  • 美丽的夕阳 Beautiful Sunset

    关于生活节奏关于黄昏 Today, when I walked home after school, it was a little late, because I studied with my friends after school. I realized the cloud was like burning. The color was so red. The sun was very round and big. It went down the mountain slowl...

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  • 快乐时刻 The Happy Moment

    关于My family关于我的家乡 Today is Saturday. I was so happy that my grandparents would come to visit us, because they haven’t seen us for a long time, so they carried some local food. I was so excited to eat my grandma’s food. She always knew my favorit...

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  • 美好的记忆 Beautiful Memory

    关于my hometown关于乡村生活 Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a beautiful place for me and I like the life there. Every day, I wake up early in the morning, then I will walk in the country road with my grandma. We will meet some people and we s...

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  • 我的家乡作文550字


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  • 自然公园 Nature Park

    关于好天气关于我的家乡关于风景名胜 Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!绿色的草,蓝色的湖和漂亮的山脉在这里等你!欢迎你来到色彩丰富的自然公园!There is a clean river. There are some color...

  • 我的家乡的作文300字

      我的家乡福建泉州,是一个十分美丽的地方,有雄伟的高山,清澈的小河,干净的街道。  春天,在我的印象里,在我的脑海里,在我的心里都记得我们的老家十分的美丽。春天是万物复苏的季节,是鲜花盛开的季节。小树们伸出了双手,花儿露出了笑容。  在骄阳似火的夏天里,...

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  • 我的家乡作文200字

      我的家乡在江苏省扬州市,这是一座千年古城。  烟花三月下扬州,扬州最著名的景点是瘦西湖。瘦西湖风光秀丽、景色迷人,吸引了许许多多的中外游客。就说五亭桥吧,它是建在瘦西湖上,好像湖的一根腰带。从上面看,就像一朵盛开的莲花,所以又叫莲花桥。再说二十四桥,这...

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  • 我的家乡作文400字

      我的家乡图们四季分明,景色宜人,是个旅游的好地方。  春天,百花齐放,适合去日光山旅游。到那时,日光山漫山遍野都开满了红红绿绿的花朵。其中,最显眼的是紫红色的金达莱。走近树旁还能闻到芬芳的花香。整座山都变杨了花海,非常美丽。  夏天,图们江广场举行一年...

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  • 我喜爱的展览会 The Fair I Like

    关于博物馆关于特产 There is a fair in my hometown every year. It is to show their farm work for the local people. Every year, the fair catches many people to visit this place. I love the fair so much. There are so many people, and I enjoy the lively atmos...

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  • 美丽的家乡 Beautiful Hometown

    关于家乡的变化关于我的家乡 When I return to my hometown on holidays, I will be very excited, because it is the place that I love so much. The trees are so green and the sky is so blue. When I play on the river side, I can catch fish. I grow up there and h...

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  • 我的家乡作文350字

      我的家乡在贵州黔西南,那是个有山有水的地方,春天鲜花盛开,夏天绿树成荫,秋天鲜果飘香,冬天白雪一片。  我们家住在山顶上,站在门口,四周的美景尽收眼底。所以,称我们住在人间仙境一点也不为过。  我们老家的湖也特别美。湖碧绿碧绿的,没有一点杂质,就像一块...

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  • 不同的口味 Different Flavor

    关于我的家乡关于特产 As I live in the south of China, I like to eat food with sweet flavor. Someday, there comes the new people who live next to my house. They come to say hello and bring us the food from their hometown. I find that the flavor is so diffe...

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  • 我的家乡200字作文

      我的家乡在海南,今天就给大家介绍海边吧!  海边有椰子树,树上有很多的椰子,而且个个水分多,非常甜。在椰子树的周围都是沙滩,沙子很细很柔软,一踩上去像踩在海绵上。前面是碧绿的海水,很清澈,在阳光的照耀下,海面波光粼粼,好像一块超级大的绿宝石在闪闪发光。...

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  • 湖 The Lake

    关于心中的那条河关于环境污染 There is a small lake in my hometown, which is one of my favorite place. I always go to the lake with my friends. We swim and play a lot there. Sometimes we will go boating and enjoy the quiet moment. Now the lake is not that...

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  • 我的家乡450字作文

      我出生在漳州,漳州是我的家乡。这里一年四季树木茂盛、百花争艳、瓜果飘香,美丽极了!  这里的花可美了。春天有火红火红的木棉花、金黄金黄的油菜花。夏天,满池的荷花盛开,真是“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。”秋天的三角梅五颜六色,有红色 、粉色...


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