论追求时尚 On the Pursuit of Fashion

关于形象关于方式关于时尚关于理性关于自信 Fashion is the style and custom popular at a certain period, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. There are so many fashions promoted every year, even every season. Therefore, it's diff...

Fashion is the style and custom popular at a certain period, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. There are so many fashions promoted every year, even every season. Therefore, it's difficult for the general people to follow all the time. In my opinion, we can pursueof fashion, but it should be followed with appropriate means.


First of all, people always try their best to look good, and the standards of beauty are different in various periods. People pursueof fashions can make them look better and well accepted by others. With the pursuit of fashions, people may try new activities and experience new products, which have enormously beneficial effects on social civilization and the development of science and technology.


However, the pursuit of fashion should be reasonable and practical. When we blindly follow the trend only to show off, the pursuit of fashion will become the pursuit of luxury and waste. It's easy for the fashion followers to be sucked into commercial traps and lead them far away from their original objectives and values. The meaningless fashions may cause great wastes of our social resources. Besides, some people think that the pursuit of fashion is the pursuit of expensive things. It's a wrong understanding of fashion, and it will do harm to the fashion itself.


Fashion is a good thing if we pursuit in appropriate means. It will help us to make a good image and build confidence. But we must remember that what suits ourselves best is unique for everyone and will never be out of date.



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