建党节 CPC Founding Day

关于soldier关于和平时代关于爱国主义精神 China as the newly founded country, it has made great achievement in the last century. Now the world is watching China, because its market is full of vitality and more and more foreigners come here to seek for coope...
关于soldier关于和平时代关于爱国主义精神 China as the newly founded country, it has made great achievement in the last century. Now the world is watching China, because its market is full of vitality and more and more foreigners come here to seek for cooperation. All of these development should be owed to the leadership of the Party. There is no doubt that we follow the right policy.

The founding of Communist Party of China is the history event. It was founded on July 23rd in the beginning, but later the government decided to named July 1st as the official day to in honor of this great event. We have learned from the school that the founding of the Party means the new beginning of China. Since then, a lot of soldiers fought for the new China.

We are lucky to born in a peaceful age, because the soldiers had made the way for us. Every person will remember the history and should be grateful for what we have today. My parents always tell me something about the old time. They educate me to have the grateful heart. I love China and feel so proud of being part of it.


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