元宵节 The Lantern Festival

关于元宵节关于团圆关于谜语 After the Spring Festival, here comes the Lantern Festival. In China, people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fifteen. It symbolizes the short rest has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work...
关于元宵节关于团圆关于谜语 After the Spring Festival, here comes the Lantern Festival. In China, people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fifteen. It symbolizes the short rest has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work with their best wishes in the brand-new year. We all celebrated this festival with plenty of food and fun. The most important and traditional food on the Lantern Festival is Tang-yuan. With sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best wish for the whole families. Apart from having dinner with parents and relatives, there are also lots of activities on that day. The Lantern shows as well as guessing riddles are part of the Lantern Festival; and the most interesting part of the show is that the riddles are written on the Lantern. After dinner, the whole families go to the lantern fair, to enjoy the happiness in this moment.
春节过后,就迎来了元宵节。在中国,人们在正月十五庆祝元宵节。这一天意味着短暂的新年假期 My Holiday'>假日结束了。在这新的一年,人们会带着最好的祝愿回到他们的工作岗位上。在这个节日里,吃的玩的都是十分丰富而且有趣的。汤圆,是最重要也是最传统的食品——外面包裹着甜软的糯米皮,而里面填满了花生或芝麻馅料。这个小小的糯米球象征着阖家团圆,及对家庭最美好的祝愿。除了和父母亲戚一起吃饭之外,还有许许多多的活动等着你。看花灯、猜谜语是元宵节的传统组成部分。最有趣的是谜语都写在花灯上。晚饭过后,一家人就高高兴兴的去大街上看花灯,猜谜语,享受着这幸福的时光。
In every city, there are always a main street known for its lantern fair, on that special day, the street will become as bright as daylight in the night with myriads of lanterns and streams of spectators. At this moment, the happiness in the heart is beyond all description. By watching various lanterns, eating sweet Tang Yuan, and hanging out with the people we love, thinking of the bright future in front of us. It’s worth everything.
Happy Lantern Festival!


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