On My Way to School-上学途中

Since my school is not far from where I live. I often walk to school. Along theway, I can see many interesting things. Right after I step out of my house, I can see many elderly people jogging around. AsI pass the park, I see some people doing tai chi. O...
Since my school is not far from where I live. I often walk to school. Along theway, I can see many interesting things. Right after I step out of my house, I can see many elderly people jogging around. AsI pass the park, I see some people doing tai chi. Occasionally, I may also find a few students of my age who are recitinglessons while walking along.Morning is a precious time to plan for the day. I am proud of being a member of those earlyrisers and of spending as much time as I can equipping myself for a better tomorrow.


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  • On My Way to School-上学途中

    Since my school is not far from where I live. I often walk to school. Along theway, I can see many interesting things. Right after I step out of my house, I can see many elderly people jogging around. AsI pass the park, I see some people doing tai chi. O

    2023-03-09 16:40:01
    551 0



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