Respect the Disabled

关于关爱关于帮助关于残疾人 It’swell known to us that many disabled people are struggling to survive in our society.So we not only should hold a right attitude towards them, but also do them afavor practically. But how to?First,we must understand, accept...

It’swell known to us that many disabled people are struggling to survive in our society.So we not only should hold a right attitude towards them, but also do them afavor practically. But how to?

First,we must understand, accept and respect them. Don’t avoid meeting them becauseof being afraid of their abnormal appearance. Second, we can make their dailylife much easier and more convenient by doing many small things. For example,when we see something that will affect their behaviors, we should tell them or helpthem.

Inshort, if all of us offer our love and show warmth to them, they can also livea normal and beautiful life as we do. Our world is bound to become morebeautiful and harmonious.


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