打羽毛球 Playing Badminton

关于Badminton关于sports关于打羽毛球关于运动 Today, as I have nothing to do, my father decides to take me to the gym. There are people playing all kinds of sports. I see my father play badminton and he teaches me how to play. It is so easy for me to learn,...
关于Badminton关于sports关于打羽毛球关于运动 Today, as I have nothing to do, my father decides to take me to the gym. There are people playing all kinds of sports. I see my father play badminton and he teaches me how to play. It is so easy for me to learn, after a while, I can play with my father. I fall in love with this sport, I will play it on the weekend.
今天,当我无事可做的时候, 爸爸决定带我去健身房。人们在玩各种各样的运动。我看到我的父亲在打羽毛球,他教我怎么玩。这对我来说很容易学习,过了一会后,我可以和父亲一起打。我爱上了这项运动,我会在周末去玩。


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  • 打羽毛球 Playing Badminton

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