周末的任务 My Job In the Weekend

关于My weekend关于愉快的一天 My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I hadn't seen them for a long time. I missed my grandma's delicious food, because she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang a...
关于My weekend关于愉快的一天 My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I hadn't seen them for a long time. I missed my grandma's delicious food, because she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang around the city. I took them to the famous sites, where were so leisure and full of local features. Walking on the old street with historical materials, they had so much feelings, and thought about the old times and taught me to cherish the things I had. I kept their words in mind. At night, I helped my grandma to cook dinner. All the people sat in the table and had a nice talk.


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  • 周末的任务 My Job In the Weekend

    关于My weekend关于愉快的一天 My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I hadn't seen them for a long time. I missed my grandma's delicious food, because she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang a

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  • 周末的任务 My Job In the Weekend

    关于My weekend关于愉快的一天 My grandparents came to visit me in the weekend. I was so happy because I hadn't seen them for a long time. I missed my grandma's delicious food, because she always knew what my stomach liked. My job was to take them to hang a

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