小天使 Little Angel

关于感激关于我最好的朋友关于我的妹妹 My mother always complain that my sister and I are trouble makers, because we will make things worse. Actually, I am the one who make mistakes all the time, and my sister will help me to solve the problem. Sometimes, s...
关于感激关于我最好的朋友关于我的妹妹 My mother always complain that my sister and I are trouble makers, because we will make things worse. Actually, I am the one who make mistakes all the time, and my sister will help me to solve the problem. Sometimes, she is afraid that my mother will blame me, so she take my responsibility. She is my angel and I am so thankful to her.


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  • 小天使 Little Angel

    关于感激关于我最好的朋友关于我的妹妹 My mother always complain that my sister and I are trouble makers, because we will make things worse. Actually, I am the one who make mistakes all the time, and my sister will help me to solve the problem. Sometimes, s

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